Who we are
The Surrey Downs Health & Care Partnership (SDHCP) is a body consisting of the NHS, local government, community health services, voluntary sector and other providers.
Our ambition is to create a health and care system built around the people and communities of Dorking, Epsom and East Elmbridge and continues to evolve through system-wide collaboration and co-creation. Through this place-based Partnership, we will ensure that the needs of people will be expressed and met locally in the place where they live.
Our ambition
The Partnership's ambition is to develop a fully integrated health and care system built around Dorking, Epsom and East Elmbridge's people and communities, continually evolving through system-wide collaboration and co-creation.
The Partnership aspires to be an exemplar of how to deliver the highest quality and best value care in a complex health and care environment. It aims to move towards a system that provides integrated care, with primary care and PCNs at the forefront.
To achieve this ambition, Surrey Downs Health and Care Partnership is committed to wrapping care around PCNs. Hence, citizens no longer need to navigate individual organisations and can instead benefit from a one-system approach, with organisations working together to meet all the individual's needs in their local community, leading to improved outcomes for everyone.
A strong focus on 'place'
Place – and local services to meet local needs - is at the heart of the Partnership's approach to improving health outcomes. It recognises that partnership matters, not just between organisations, but also the partnerships with individuals within the local communities, where lives are built around the places where they live and work.
The Partnership's approach involves collaboration and utilising our collective skills, knowledge and resources. It has embraced the concept of local design and delivery, which relies on solid relationships and partners to agree on the 'right way' forward.
The journey started in 2016 when a contract was established to reduce emergency admissions and the length of time people spent in the hospital. This brought partners together to deliver care in a new and different way through fully integrated teams based upon delivery rather than organisation.
This approach has been embedded through the delivery of community services together as Surrey Downs Health and Care and, more recently, through developing our Primary Care Networks as the foundation for our local service delivery.